How To "Profit Swipe" 1,621 Of The Most Profitable Ads Of All-Time...

...And Discover A Fast & Repeatable Process To Assemble Your Own High-Converting Sales Copy...

(PROOF BELOW: $909,126,315 In Profitable Advertising)

“Yippee Ki-Yay.”

That’s how it feels.

And I’ll tell ya this much…

When your day finally comes…

You’ll see for yourself – it’s all true…

Everything they’ve always said about it.

It’s one of those feelings you’ll never forget.

And it’ll feel like nothing you’ve ever felt before.

In fact, it happened to me on July 31st, 2017.

1,294 days after I made my 1st online sale.

A real “million-dollar-payday”, that is.

You’re gonna want proof, huh?

Good, I expected as much.

Comin’ your way soon.

First things, first:

Your top 10 reasons…

To finish reading this short letter.

(You’re invited to “swipe” this one.)


The Obvious "Reason Why" Benefits

🧿 Your SURVIVAL as a copywriter…

Depends 100% on your ability to assemble “winning”, high-converting sales copy for your (or your client’s) offers.

🧿Every ELITE-LEVEL copywriter…

Studies and “swipes” the most famous (and profitable) ad masterpieces from the “Original Copy Legends”.

🧿When your sales copy CONVERTS…

You’re in total control – you can choose the outer limits of your success – for your business, lifestyle, & income.

🧿When your sales copy FAILS…

You lose all control (and power) over your financial freedom, business, and lifestyle.

🧿UNCOMMON wisdom equals uncommon income…

Studying the “Original Copy Legends” gives you the most uncommon copywriting wisdom.

🧿The VALUE of these 1,621 legendary ads…

Is equal to Claude Hopkins’ impact on the advertising & copywriting world.

🧿You’ll soon discover (and read)…

The most famous (and profitable) ads, headlines, “hooks”, “appeals”, pitches, & calls-to-action ever assembled.

🧿When Drayton Bird speaks…

The copywriting world listens.

David Ogilvy, who purchased his direct marketing agency in 1984, said:

“Drayton Bird knows more about direct marketing than anyone in the world.”

🧿 David Ogilvy, who purchased his direct marketing agency in 1984, said:

One of the world’s most successful marketers of the digital age.



In The Past Few Months: Elite-Level Copywriters Purchased 3,293,718 Total Ads From Copy Legends



Poor-Converting Copy Is Your Confession

A confession that you’re studying the “wrong school” of copywriting…

..and by finishing (and “swiping”) this short letter…

…you’ll discover the proven strategies used to…

…slash the common confusion and frustration suffered…

…by most of today’s struggling online business owners…

…from copywriters, freelancers, and advertisers…

…to agency owners, offer owners, and digital marketers.

Adopt these proven methods as your own…

…for EACH piece of sales copy that YOU assemble…

…and you’ll be given a very clear process for…

…starting, finishing, and launching “winning”…

…high-converting ads, sales letters, and emails.

Sales copy designed with one single intention…

…to GROW (and scale) your online business…

…quickly, profitably, and repeatedly, using all the…

…same powerful, persuasive copywriting methods used by…

…the greatest ink-slingers the written word has ever known.

The #1 Reason Why Most Copywriters Today Are Screwed

Everyone knows these things – but they’re worth repeating…

>>> The Beatles… overrated.

>>> Jimi Hendrix… more luck (than talent) on the guitar.

>>> The Rolling Stones… not worth the price of admission.

>>> And Freddie Mercury… don’t even get me started on that guy.

YES, the absolute Truth is quite simple…

..the artists topping the charts TODAY…

....are far superior in every way that matters… singers, musicians, songwriters, AND performers.

Wouldn’t you agree?

Of course not – because it’s certified BS.

We all know that OLD SCHOOL trumps NEW SCHOOL.

Especially, when it comes to music.

Hell, that applies to most forms of art.

(Copywriting included.)

This Is The Critical Problem For Copywriters In 2021

Most copywriters today (oh, these poor souls)…

…are only focused on the “new”…

…while maintaining blissful ignorance of the “old”.

Scrolling and clicking around, trying to load their…

…”copy chamber” with six different “magic bullets”…

…new “strategies”… new “scripts”… new “gurus”.

New. New. New.

I see it every single day.

And THAT’S the #1 problem.

It’s Called A “Copywriting Mix” – And It’s A Fatal Strategy

It’s the sorta botched job…

…that results from this “shiny-object pandemic”….

…in fact – you know what…

…I’ll even confess the sins of my past FIRST…

…you see, as a recovering shiny-object addict myself…

My copy used to flop harder than a belly off a 50-foot high-dive…

…for the 7 long, painful years I spent dedicated to this fatal…

…(and far-too-common) copywriting “strategy”…

…and I was destined for absolute failure…

That is, until I finally discovered how to…

…profitably “swipe” “legendary sales copy…

…and the direct-connection couldn’t be more clear…

…and the simple truth is this, my new friend…

The most PROFITABLE ads (and sales copy) of all-time…

…were ALL assembled by the “Original Copy Legends” …

…and LONG before the online guroos ravaging your feeds today…

…started peddling such rampant and dangerous misinformation

That's Why It's Not 100% Your Fault

(Up Until Now, At Least)

Up until now, you’ve been misled…

…by many well-intentioned (but misinformed)…

…copywriting “coaches” or “one-hit-winders”…

…who simply didn’t know any better…

Think of it like this…

…by answering the two, simple questions below:

Is the child to blame?

…the one who can’t ride a two-wheeled bike…

…because he was taught to ride a unicycle?

Is the marksman to blame?

…the one who can’t hit a 100-yard-target…

…because he was taught to use a 12-gauge shotgun?

Of course not – they’ve never been shown a better way.

…and by reading this letter right now…

…you’re being shown a better way – right here – in this moment…

…one that changes the entire trajectory of your copywriting journey.

And this “pivot” gives you a unique opportunity to take back…

…100% of the power over the full-weight…

…of the responsibility for your own success…

…no more excuses…

…no more victimization…

…no more “it’s not your fault”…

Now, here’s a critical question for you...


The Copy "Kingmaker"

What’s the #1 asset EVERY world-class copywriter has in common?

…they all own (AND STUDY) significant collections of…

…proven and profitable sales copy masterpieces…

…written by Hall-of-Fame caliber copywriters!

It’s why “swipe files” are all the rage in our business these days…

…in fact, every “Original Copy Legend” I’ve studied…

…pays tribute to the genius copywriters they, themselves, studied…

…the ones who paved the way for them – for this EXACT reason!

And every time I read one of their books…

…each time they mention an ad written by another copywriter…

…I stop everything I’m doing… hunt it down… study it…

…and add it to my personal swipe file collection.

That’s why my mine includes 4,000+ of these beauties…

…and just in case you think the Facebook “Ad Library”…

…is your best bet for building an epic swipe file…


…and by the end of this short letter…

…I’ll show you the exact swipe files…

…every elite-level copywriter MUST study…

…because when they’re innovated upon in the right way…

…they’re powerful enough to build digital empires.

The Biggest Misconception About Swipe Files

The goal isn’t to copy or “ethically steal”. It’s to innovate…

…you see, everyone wants to create something brand new…

…but you can be just as successful (even more so), in fact…

…by imitating what’s ALREADY been successful in the past.

Here’s a controversial “copywriting truism” for you…

…there’s massive success to be had by innovating upon…

…the work of others, until you have great ideas of your own.

And unless you can assemble high-converting sales copy on your own…

…it’s in your best interest to COPY ideas first…

…then innovate them in your own unique ways.

As “Sir Gary of Halbert” Once Said…


American Copy Legend, The "Prince of Print"

“The ability to write ads and/or letters that sell is by far the most wonderful money-making skill you could ever hope to acquire. If you master this skill you should never again have to worry about money.

The ability to write copy that brings in orders on a profitable basis is as rare as hen’s teeth. And, if you can do it, I mean really do it, you can virtually write your own ticket.”

He should know, he’s one of the most successful copywriters of all-time.

In fact, he flung his ink with such a big stick…

…he once wrote a 1-page, 361-word sales letter that generated…

…20,000+ paying customers PER DAY; while being…

…mailed out 600,000,000+ times…

…because it was so profitable for him.

(I don’t know about you…but THAT’s the only kinda copy I want to learn, study, and swipe – and I’ll show you how you can get your hands on it – today.)


Here's Why It Matters To You...

If you’re in need of world-class copywriting and advertising…

…you’re gonna need to learn the skills…

…you’re gonna need to have the tools, and…

…you’re gonna need to know the processes…

…to do it for YOURSELF!

The bad news is…

…the small handful of elite-level copywriters today who can do it…

…assemble true, world-class, high-converting sales copy…

…are in such high demand that you can’t hire them, not without…

…spending an absurd price (and a handsome piece of your profits)…

…and even then, you still need to wait in line.

The good news is…

…you can learn to do it yourself (and faster than you think)…

…you just need a few critical pieces in place first…

…the right “mentors” to learn from…

…the right strategies to use on your own, as well as…

…the right sales copy masterpieces to innovate upon.

Once you have all of THAT…

…the yellow-brick-road to the “Copywriting Kingdom” is paved…

…with a new, repeatable process for turning your own words into wine…

… that smashes straight through all the confusion, frustration, and…

…even the painful learning curves that most copywriters suffer from…

…it takes all the mystery out of it!


The Copywriter Behind Copy Legends

(For Those Who Don’t Know Me)